

This is a new alternate system for assigning classes to levels! You can use it as the banner for your level pages!

This can be used as a more objective system, where you rate the dangers of the level and can objectively compare them to each other!



Выход: 5/5

Окружение: 4/5
Экстремальный уровень опасности

Сущности: 5/5
Кишит враждебными сущностями

[[include component:nulevelclass

How to use it

You rate three aspects of the level's danger from 0-5:

  • Difficulty of Exit - {$ext}
    • 0 - Guaranteed Exit
    • 1 - Easy to Exit
    • 2 - Somewhat Difficult to Exit
    • 3 - Difficult to Exit
    • 4 - Very Difficult to Exit
    • 5 - Dead End
  • Environmental Dangers - {$env}
    • 0 - No Environmental Risks
    • 1 - Low Environmental Risk
    • 2 - Some Environmental Risks
    • 3 - High Environmental Risk
    • 4 - Extreme Environmental Risk
    • 5 - Deadzone
  • Hostile Entity Prescence - {$ent}
    • 0 - No Hostile Entities
    • 1 - Minimal Hostile Prescence
    • 2 - Some Hostile Presence
    • 3 - Major Hostile Presence
    • 4 - Extreme Hostile Presence
    • 5 - Hostile Infestation

And the Class number is calculated automatically for you by getting the mean value of these three numbers and rounding it to the nearest whole number.

You set the level number with {$no}. This can be whatever you want, even a word or a negative number.

For Enigmatics

If the name is extremely short, like a symbol, you can set it with {$no} like normal.
If the name is relatively short and you need to, you can change the font size of the name with {$fntsz}.
If the name is just too long, you can completely remove the part of the banner with the level name on it with |{$noname}=1.

Extremely Custom Classes

An example of how to make an entirely custom class is:

[[include component:nulevelclass
|enttext=Potential for Hostility
|exttext=Unclear Exit
|envtext=Unknown Environment

Create however many SD classes you like!

_default: компонент
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